What We Give Back


Community Give Back

It's really simple, we get over whelmed each year with organisations, charities, clubs and schools that would love financial support. And we love to help them.

Our community give back program allows the vendor of each property that we sell to nominate a charity of choice that they would love to give back to. So far we have donated $1000's to a range of clubs and organisations that really appreciate the support.


Star of the Week Program

We have built a great business and reputation on the foundations of their core values.

There are many parallels that can be drawn from sport to life and vice versa; we would like to recognise young people in our community that demonstrate similar values.

In conjunction with local sporting clubs we love to foster communication and awareness around values that mean a lot to us. 

Our Star of the Week rewards young people and their clubs for demonstrating the values that we believe in.


Project Booyah Program

We proudly supports the Project Booyah program in Rockhampton.

Project Booyah is an early intervention program for young people disconnected from their community, using the skills and knowledge of the government, community, health, education and university sectors.

It is aimed at improving the health, education and employment prospects of participants to reduce youth crime.