120 Clifton Street Rockhampton City, 4700 QLD
Charming Cottage
2 1 2
An Inspection is a must on this dearly loved and cared for home. Ideal for wheelchair and disable friendly with handrails throughout and equipped bathroom. Enjoy a low maintenance and secure home, features air conditioning, new kitchen, security screens, alarm, 2 carports, 1 bay shed, sprinkler system and fully fenced yard. Nothing left to be done and close to shopping centres, call for an inspect today.
It must be SOLD!!
- Wheelchair & disable friendly
- New Kitchen & large bathroom
- Split Air Conditioning
- Security Screens & Alarm
- 2 Car ports & 1 Bay Shed - Easy Care Yard - Fully Fenced
Please contact Karen Matthews 0418 744 457 for more details.
Inspection of this property is available strictly by arrangement only.
The Agency CQ